Patient Resources


As both an occupational therapist and a patient living with several chronic conditions, Rebecca shares her insights on her path to wellness with all of its highs and lows. It’s real talk from someone who understands the challenges we all face on a daily basis, with the hopes of making others not feel so alone.

Patient Advocacy

Insight Wellness is dedicated to advocating for patients to have accessible, affordable health care. That’s why we are actively working on patient advocacy and health equity efforts. We provide mentoring and training for those interested in learning how to share their story to help inform policy change - whether it’s individuals or groups. Learn more about current committee work, projects and how you can get involved.

More Patient Resources Coming Soon

Patient Education Videos

Living with a chronic condition comes with daily challenges. Insight Wellness is working to provide you with educational videos to learn how to adapt tasks and activities so you can get back to doing the things that matter most to you. We’ll also connect you with other educators who are making a difference in helping to improve your quality of life.

Podcast: The OT Flare Fighter

Creative work in progress! Insight Wellness is in production of a new podcast: The OT Flare Fighter. This new podcast will help people living with chronic conditions learn ways to get onto a path of wellness, as well as find inspiration and motivation along the way. Stay tuned for launch & release information.

Until then, you can tune in to other podcast episodes hosted by Rebecca Gillett. Rebecca has hosted 81 episodes of the Live Yes! With Arthritis podcast and has been a guest on several other podcasts.